Click on the image below and then hit the play button at the bottom left.
Here's my entry for the 2018 Shadertoy contest. The theme was human. Took about 3 days of re-learning old code and wrapping my head around ray marching and distance fields. Great fun. The most programming I've done in a couple of years. #stillgotit
Click on the image below and then hit the play button at the bottom left.
Not so much a political statement as an experiment in how small stuff can be printed using Shapeways. I had a bust of Donald already from a previous project but I thought it might be fun to print a head for use on toy soldiers. A content as my local hobby store provided some extra motivation. The first thing I had to do was cut the head off the bust and create a new neck in Blender. Then I scaled the head to match a typical 28mm model head. I sent this off to Shapeways. What came back was actually slightly too small. The problem with small parts is that half a mm is a lot on a head that's 4mm wide. I really need to buy a better micrometer, with a digital read out. The one I have is a really basic mechanical model. This is the key tip when working with Shapeways. Triple check your measurements. Then measure again. I printed the head using the highest quality settings aka "Smoothest Fine Detail Plastic". Turn around was pretty reasonable at about 6 days. Now I just have to finish painting this thing by the weekend.
David CoombesMaking stuff Categories
February 2024