It's all connected I swear. I'm actually surprised there isn't already an app for doing this.
I made a quick test video using Blender to study reflections for the purpose of painting toy soldiers. It's all connected I swear. I'm actually surprised there isn't already an app for doing this.
I was thinking about taking a plane trip, so decided to compare co2 output of various activities. I thought comparing activities would give some perspective.
A return flight from London to San Francisco is about 0.9T (This seems lower than last time I checked). So flying is bad but still much less than driving depending on how often you fly. Switching to a Tesla Model 3 ( assuming that was practical for me which it isn't yet) would almost half my vehicle co2 emissions. A VW Polo or similar would split the difference. My actual agenda is a speculative trip to Salzberg. A return flight from Bristol is about .25t and takes under 3 hours. To go by train I'd have to split the trip over several days which adds in the need for at least one hotel stay, which in itself adds co2 footprint as well as time and stress. So dunno, but at least I can picture the co2 figures in my head better now. The amount of co2 emitted during the construction of a car (petrol or electric) is always small compared to the energy emitted by driving it around. That has always seemed counterintuitive to me. In my mind it takes way more energy to design and make the thing than to drive it around, but I'm obviously totally wrong. Moving heavy things around really fast uses lots of energy.
You can read the whole report here. These are pretty much just notes to myself.
Well, that turned out to be remarkably drama free....
Now I just need to wait for some more pots to arrive so I can control multiple lights from the same board.
An example table showing the English and Welsh place names with an audio clip. It's just a sample audio clip so don't get too excited.
More AI art with a theme. I really should print some of these out. I could totally see this being used to create art for a collectible card game or something like that.
Last night I decided to have a play with an AI Art tool that takes written cues and generates finished paintings. I'd been resisting doing this for a while but since there are now easily accessible cloud based tools I decided it would be OK to waste an evening on it. Frankly I'm a bit horrified. This stuff is good. I mean it's really good and I don't know what that means. Certainly for concept art for games and movies this ability to endlessly remix and generate new images from existing content is a game changer. The results were wildly better than I expected. So good in fact that I was up half the night thinking about what this means. I think I have future shock. :-0 If you want to try this stuff for yourself, it's very easy, you don't need a fancy computer or to install any software since the whole thing runs in the cloud.
Here's a link to a tutorial that will get you started but essentially all you need do, is scroll down until you see the description of the image and replace that with your own text, then wait fifteen minutes. Youtube tutorial: For my new project I need a futuristic control room with a big monitor. The monitor is there for exposition but needs to be in a room for context. I spent a crazy amount of time building it in blender/substance...
Back in the summer I used 3DF Zephyr to scan some objects to use in a new film project. Right now I'm trying to build a "look" using lots of particles and turbulent volumes for a new project, but couldn't resist throwing in some scanned assets. I even scanned some toys....
David CoombesMaking stuff Categories
February 2024